
Thursday, December 4, 2008

Kanye --Heartless (favorite song of the moment)

I don't really know why but I like this song a lot. which is a lot coming from someone who is not really a Kanye West fan (mostly due to his conceit), and partly just because I honestly don't think he is that tight. But I must admit he got me with this song. I especially like the animation...just wish there was more of an actual visual story line to better compliment the song.

1 comment:

  1. Im loving this video. I have it on my iphone. good video and glad you found me on twitter.

    I'll see you at


All the things your grandma won't make and more!
One of a Kind Crocheted fashions from Wild Child Dzigns, plus random rants that have absolutely nothing to do with anything lol!


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