
Sunday, June 21, 2009

Blackberry chronicles

Well its another day at work and I decided I'd make some good use of my new phone! I got kind of tired of not being to do all the things I need to do when I'm out and about.Now don't get me wrong, I loved my trusty old sidekick lx... Its been dropped on concrete, toilets and even caught in a couple of sever thunderstorms and yet , it survived. I swear that thing took a lickin and kept on tickin ! Still, it was no longer satisfying my needs. I found myself missing a million tweets a day on twitter because it was just too much of a hassle to tweet from the internet using my phone. I was responding to emails late etc.
I used these reasons as an excuse to get a new phone lol. I decided on a blackberry curve 8900 and so far - love it! I am able to sit here at work and discretely post this blog lol, respond to my tweets quickly, post bullitains easier on myspace and all of my emails come to one location which ish is great because - have four email accounts that I use regularly. And I can fiiiinally watch videos from my phone (I knoooow I was a bit behind the curve) lol. But - guess its safe to say that I love my new phone and hopefully I will get back to posting on my blog more often now that I don't have to be in front of a computer to do so !!

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All the things your grandma won't make and more!
One of a Kind Crocheted fashions from Wild Child Dzigns, plus random rants that have absolutely nothing to do with anything lol!


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